Leadership Team

Peter (Pete) P. Sena III
Chairman, President and CEO of Southern Nuclear
Peter (Pete) P Sena III was appointed Chairman, President and CEO of Southern Nuclear effective June 29, 2024, having previously been appointed President in 2023 after joining the company in July 2019 as Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer (CNO).

Richard Libra
Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Rick Libra was appointed chief nuclear officer at Southern Nuclear in April 2023, having served as senior vice president of Operations since joining the company in October 2019. Rick leverages more than 35 years of experience in the commercial nuclear power industry to support Southern Nuclear's fleet. His extensive background includes expertise with both boiling water reactors (BWR) and pressurized water reactors (PWR), and his efforts have led to five consecutive INPO excellence awards at two separate plants.

Earl Berry
Vice President of Engineering
Earl Berry serves as the Vice President of Engineering, where he supports the fleet’s work to improve equipment reliability and helps grow its technical leadership. Prior to this role, Earl served as the Fleet Governance and Oversight General Manager, the Plant Vogtle 1&2 Organizational Effectiveness Manager and in other capacities, including Work Management Director and Engineering Director.

Shane Camp
Vice President of Human Resources
Shane Camp serves as Vice President of Human Resources for Southern Nuclear. In this role, he oversees Human Resources, Labor Relations, Talent Management and Talent Acquisition.

Cheryl Gayheart
Vice President of Regulatory Affairs
Cheryl Gayheart is the Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, where she oversees the company’s licensing and regulatory strategy. Her additional responsibilities include oversight of the fleet’s Security, Emergency Planning, and Probabilistic Risk/Safety Analysis functions.

Ho Nieh
Vice President, INPO Loaned Executive
Ho Nieh, an officer of Southern Nuclear, is on loan to the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, where he is fully dedicated to supporting the Continuous Monitoring organization. He joined Southern Nuclear in September 2021 as Vice President of Regulatory Affairs.

Millicent W. Ronnlund
Vice President, General Counsel, Compliance Officer & Secretary
Millicent W. Ronnlund is vice president, general counsel, compliance officer and secretary. In this role, she represents Southern Nuclear and is responsible for its compliance and concerns organizations. She is a member of the Southern Nuclear management council.

John B. Williams
Senior Vice President of Technical Services and External Affairs
John Williams is the Senior Vice President of Technical Services and External Affairs for Southern Nuclear Operating Company, where he oversees fleet support functions essential to the safe and reliable operation of Southern Nuclear’s operating fleet and provides strategic leadership and direction for all external Southern Company nuclear efforts.

Edwin (Sonny) D. Dean
Site Vice President of Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant
Sonny Dean became Site Vice President of Plant Farley in November 2023, following four combined years of service as Site Vice President at both Plant Vogtle Units 1&2 and Plant Hatch. Prior to that, he served as Southern Nuclear’s Fleet Organizational Effectiveness corporate functional area manager in the Governance and Oversight organization.

Matthew Busch
Site Vice President of Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Power Plant
Matt Busch became Site Vice President of Plant Hatch in December 2023, after serving as Operations Director at the site for over three years.

Johnny Weissinger
Site Vice President of Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2
Johnny Weissinger became Site Vice President of Vogtle Units 1&2 in December 2023, after serving as both Plant Manager and Site Vice President at Plant Hatch.

Patrick Martino
Site Vice President of Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 & 4
Patrick Martino is the site vice president of Vogtle Units 3&4, a position he assumed in 2022. Patrick joined Southern Nuclear in 2019 as plant manager for Vogtle 3 & 4 and led the site through the completion of many significant milestones and the transition from construction to operations, while ensuring high levels of performance within the operational readiness organizations at the site.